Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Stop whatever you are doing right at this moment and go immediately to your local library (because libraries are magical and I am still a fan of the paper thing that fits nicely in your hands) and check out "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green. 

I dare not say it but....IT IS THE BEST BOOK I HAVE READ IN YEARS!!!  I love it so dearly.  I have never laughed so much as I have reading a book (and one about cancer no less) than this one and I have also shed tears.....

I even went as far as checking out John Green's other four books, I loved it so much.  Premise: It is about two teens who meet in a Cancer Support Group....that is all I am telling. Oh and it says it is a "teen fiction" but don't let that stop you. 

Now...just prior to this book I read "The Condition" by Jennifer Haigh...a more serious book but so so so good.  The part I really liked was that it had a fair amount about molecular biology and it was very accurate and fun to read about something I actually know about. Oh and did I mention it was the Pen/Faulkner winner....soo good.  Premise: Hummm...well it about a family with a lot of issues. 


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