Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Joshie, thanks for the new camera

Here is Mason from a few nights ago.

Curious Kendall, part monkey, part girl?

Watch out Diane Arbus. Just kidding.


The Media Grab said...

happy birthday kendall!!!

Unknown said...

Yeah... that little boy is about to take off...

When we put our girls down to bed (at night) they sometimes do get up and play on their own, before falling asleep, sometimes on their bed, sometimes on the floor. We just close the door and let them work it out. Not worth fighting over in our opinion.

Naptime, I have to sit with them until they fall asleep. Cecelia has been pretty good, usually falling asleep within a few minutes. Maeve takes longer, and is just as likely not nap. I'm hoping when the weather gets nicer, I can wear them out more when we go outside. We'll see... those days seem so far away...

MommyLisa said...

Happy Two-day Kendall! Marin get so excited when I pull up these videos...she could watch them over and over and over and....you get the idea.