HELLOO Friends and Mom(s).....nope I didn't win Powerball. Nope I wasn't off training for a marathon. No I am not laid up in bed with the bird flu (I did get strep, a double ear infection and a sinus infection, all in well fell swoop....the feeling was similar to that of a pressure cooker in your brain...thank heavens for the miracle drugs of antibiotics and ibuprofen.) I had to pause this post and go look the last time I wrote and oh my goodness...it was freakin Feburary. Yuck. What have I been doing??? Ahh geez, I read some books. I drove 1500 miles to the panhandle of Florida to see pregnant dolphins and watch my kids chase sand crabs in the dark with flashlights. I went to Boston, snapped pictures of the Finish Line and then two days later a bomb went off in the same spot. AND well, there has been snow and more snow and mushy snow, and wet snow, and snowflakes and dumpings of snow. Oh and I started the Downton Abbey Series (love!). As always, here are some views from this crazy good life, in somewhat chronological order:
Early March: